Sajen Mathews, MD, Chief Medical Officer, hosts the meeting in EEC, First Floor, Design 73, on Monday, Jan. 4, 1 - 2 p.m. Due to limited seating and the need to social distance, joining by MS Teams is recommended (see below). The agenda includes: COVID-19 census update; surge planning; vaccine update; COVID-19 therapeutics, anti-coagulation, monoclonal antibodies; allocation of scares resources; and clinical trials.
To join on your computer or mobile app, click here.
To join with a video conferencing device: [email protected]
Video Conference ID: 119 103 284 2
(For alternate VTC dialing instructions, click here.)
Call in (audio only): +1 323-813-9520, 433094969# United States, Los Angeles
Phone Conference ID: 433 094 969#